Pilot Study
Children diagnosed with ASD.
Currently using medical cannabis under HCP supervision.
Living in California (Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay Area).
Children’s data privacy is protected by HIPAA-compliant protocols.
ASD: Saliva collected from children pre- and post-consumption of regularly prescribed medical cannabis dosage.
Control: Saliva collected from age-matched neurotypical children.
Cannformatics’ proprietary platform identifies biomarkers that significantly changed pre- and post-consumption of medical cannabis.
Samples from neurotypical children are collected and analyzed to determine the biomarkers baseline for healthy physiological range.
Study participants will receive a report showing their individual changes in biomarkers related to ASD symptoms before and after medical cannabis consumption.
We will seek to publish the finding in a scientific peer-reviewed medical journal, across mainstream media and at
To be a trusted resource for parents and health care professionals by providing data and insights to build an effective cannabis regimen for children with ASD.
Cannabis-Responsive™ Biomarkers a New Universal Measurement of Cannabis Impact
The first paper from the ASD Pilot Study that successfully identified Cannabis-Responsive™ biomarkers in children with autism was published by the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. This is the first study to ever examine the saliva of children with ASD treated with various cannabis/CBD products widely available in California dispensaries. The paper establishes Cannabis-Responsive biomarkers as a universal measurement of cannabis impact. The study positions medical cannabis as the only peer-reviewed published treatment to show a shift towards the physiological range in children with autism.
Cannabis Treatment Moves Biomarker Levels Toward the Physiological Range
All of the children with autism who participated in the study saw the majority of their biomarkers move towards the physiological range of typically developing children following their morning dose of cannabinoid-based medicine.
A Universal Tool for Measuring Impact
Cannabis-Responsive™ biomarkers create a universal tool for measuring physiological cannabis impact. This will empower patients and clinicians as they’ll have objective quantitative data to track and optimize treatments as well as giving them data to share with other health care providers.
First to Provide ASD Specific Metabolic Levels In Response to Treatment
Children with autism are often prescribed antipsychotic, anti-anxiety and anti-depressive medications although the metabolic response of children with autism to these medications has not yet been studied. The Cannformatics study positions medical cannabis as the only scientifically peer-reviewed published treatment to show a shift towards the physiological range for children with autism.
Physiological Ranges Create Familiar Comparisons
The Cannabis-Responsive biomarker data in the ASD paper is similar to the data provided for traditional blood tests or urine analyses which compares the patient’s levels to a physiological range. Having these tools and technology puts cannabis on an even scientific playing field with traditional pharmaceuticals. Making it easier for health care providers and patients to see and compare medical cannabis impact.
Example: Children with Autism
Cannabis-Responsive™ biomarker profiles determine the effect of medical cannabis products
Unlocking the Potential for New Neurological Discoveries
Many of the Cannabis-Responsive biomarkers the study found represent a new beginning to understanding how cannabis works in the brain and central nervous system. Some of these biomarkers include:
a. N-acetylaspartate (NAA) – A metabolite found in the brain related to neuro-inflammation
b. Spermine – A metabolite that is associated with pain
c. Cortisol – A steroid hormone related to regulating how the body responds to stress
d. Dehyroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) – A male hormone connected to aggression
e. Glutamine – An amino acid that functions as a neurotransmitter