
Check Out Cannformatics In The News

December 1, 2021
Listen to Ken Epstein on the "Doctors on Cannabis" podcast speak with host Alison Farley about what is a Cannabis-Responsive™ biomarker and how are they different from genetic biomarkers.
Ken Epstein | CCO & Co-founder, Cannformatics
October 2, 2018
Better Living through Biochemistry: The Molecules Cannabis Plants Make to Stay Vital
Cannabis cultivation is an art and a science. New scientific knowledge from botany, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics can help create unique, high-quality chemovars—strains classified by their metabolite content...
ITZHAK KUREK | CEO & Co-founder, Cannformatics
October 2, 2018
Better Living through Biochemistry: The Molecules Cannabis Plants Make to Stay Vital
Cannabis cultivation is an art and a science. New scientific knowledge from botany, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics can help create unique, high-quality chemovars—strains classified by their metabolite content...
ITZHAK KUREK | CEO & Co-founder, Cannformatics
October 2, 2018
Better Living through Biochemistry: The Molecules Cannabis Plants Make to Stay Vital
Cannabis cultivation is an art and a science. New scientific knowledge from botany, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics can help create unique, high-quality chemovars—strains classified by their metabolite content...
KEN EPSTEIN | CCO & Co-founder, Cannformatics
October 2, 2018
Better Living through Biochemistry: The Molecules Cannabis Plants Make to Stay Vital
Cannabis cultivation is an art and a science. New scientific knowledge from botany, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics can help create unique, high-quality chemovars—strains classified by their metabolite content...
TAMAR MARITZ | VP Business Development, BDS Analytics